
Dalarna University

For more information about courses at Dalarna University, go to

Contact: Mats Tegmark,

  • Academic Writing and Speaking in English
    • Spring 2024 (weeks 14-20)
    • Credits (ETC): 6
    • Language: English
    • Course structure: Face-to-face/Online
    • Course code: FPA0003
  • Introduktion till forskning i pedagogiskt arbete / Introduction to Research in Educational Work
    • Fall 2024 (weeks 36-45)
    • Credits (ETC): 5
    • Language: Swedish
    • Course structure: Face-to-face
    • Course code: FPA2228
  • Vetenskapsteori och forskningsetik / Theories of Science and Research Ethics
    • Fall 2024 (weeks 46-2)
    • Credits (ETC): 7,5
    • Language: Swedish/English
    • Course structure: Face-to-face/Online
    • Course code: FPA222A
  • Forskningskommunikation för samhällsutveckling / Research Communication for Societal Development
    • Spring 2024 (weeks 3-12)
    • Credits (ETC): 4
    • Language: Swedish
    • Course structure: Face-to-face
    • Course code: FPA0005
  • Vetenskapliga metoder / Scientific Methods
    • Spring 2025
    • Credits (ETC): 10
    • Language: English/ Swedish
    • Course structure: Face-to-face/Online
    • Course code: FPA222B
  • Intellektuella utmaningar – att designa och kommunicera ett forskningsprojekt / Intellectual challenges – designing and communicating a research project
    • Spring 2025
    • Credits (ETC): 3
    • Language: Swedish
    • Course structure: Face-to-face
    • Course code: FPA0007
  • Forskning och pedagogisk praktik – teoretiska perspektiv / Research and Educational Practice – Theoretical Perspectives
    • Fall 2023 (weeks 35-44) and fall 2025
    • Credits (ETC): 7.5
    • Language: Swedish/English
    • Course structure: Face-to-face/Online
    • Course code: FPA0005

DPU Aarhus University

For more information about courses at DPU, Aarhus University, go to PhD Education (

Contact: Hanne Ryge Nielsen

Design-based research, action research and co-creation

  • 26.-28.8 2020
  • Credits (ETC): 3
  • Language: English/Danish
  • Course structure: Face-to-face
  • Course responsible: Lars Geer Hammershøj
  • Link:

Improve your research – academic search, digital methods and scholarly communication for PHD student

Perspektiver og tilgange i litteraturdidaktisk forskning

  • November (week 47 or 48) 2020
  • Credits (ETC): 4
  • Language: Danish
  • Course structure: Face-to-face
  • Course responsible: Anna Skyggebjerg & Helle Rørbech

Analytiske perspektiver på børn og barndom

Vergnaud’s Theory of Conceptual Fields (TCF): Understanding and utilizing TCF in a networking perspective

Embodied Cognition – on bodily language and linguistic bodies

  • 10.-11.12 2020
  • Credits (ETC): 2
  • Language: English/Danish
  • Course structure: Face-to-face
  • Course responsible: Theresa Schilhab

Roles of universities in European integration

NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

For more information about courses at NTNU, go to Contact: Camilla Røtne

  • Kvantitative analysemetoder / Applied Quantitative Research Methods of Analysis
    • Every spring
    • Credits (ETC): 5
    • Language: English
    • Course structure: Face-to-face
    • Course code: PLU8012
  • Vitenskapsteori og etikk med innretning mot profesjonsforskning/Theories of Science and Research Ethics, Oriented Towards Education Research
    • Every Autumn to Spring (the course lasts two semesters)
    • Credits (ETC): 10
    • Language: English
    • Course structure: Face-to-face
    • Course code: PLU8013
  • Kvalitative analysemetoder i praksis I/ Qualitative analysis in practice I
    • Every Autumn
    • Credits (ETC): 5
    • Language: English
    • Course structure: Face-to-face
    • Course code: PLU8021
  • Kvalitative analysemetoder i praksis II/ Qualitative analysis in practice II
    • Every Spring
    • Credits (ETC): 5
    • Language: English
    • Course structure: Face-to-face
    • Course code: PLU8022
  • Perspektiver i naturfag- og teknologididaktikk/ Perspectives on Science an Technology Education
    • Spring 2023
    • Credits (ETC): 5
    • Language: English
    • Course structure: Face-to-face
    • Course code: LOS8030
  • Tekst i utdanningskontekst: Teoretiske inngangar og analysemetodar/ Texts in educational contexts: Theoretical perspectives and analytical approaches
    • Spring 2023
    • Credits (ETC): 5
    • Language: Norwegian
    • Course structure: Face-to-face
    • Course code: LOS8031
  • Vurdering og evaluering i utdanning: Politikk, forskning og praksis /Assessment and evaluation in education: Policy, research, and practice
    • Autumn 2023
    • Credits (ETC): 5
    • Language: English
    • Course structure: Face-to-face
    • Course code: LOS8032
  • Å forske med kunsten som metodologisk praksis/ Doing research with the arts as methodological practice
    • Spring 2022
    • Credits (ETC): 5
    • Language: English
    • Course structure: Face-to-face
    • Course code: LOS8033
  • Nyere forskning innen barnehage og skole (1.-4. trinn)/ Contemporary research in Early Childhood Education and Care
    • Autumn 2022
    • Credits (ETC): 5
    • Language: English
    • Course structure: Face-to-face
    • Course code: LOS8034
  • Organisasjonlæring og kunnskapsutvikling i organisasjoner/ Organisational learning and knowledge development in organisations
    • Spring 2022
    • Credits (ETC): 5
    • Language: English
    • Course structure: Face-to-face
    • Course code: LOS8019

Umeå University

  • Introduction to the educational sciences
    • Credits (ETC): 7,5
    • Language: English
    • Course structure: Face-to-face
  • Theories in educational research
    • Credits (ETC): 7,5
    • Language: English
    • Course structure: Face-to-face
  • Stages in the research process (part I, II and III)
    • Credits (ETC): 7,5
    • Language: English
    • Course structure: Face-to-face
  • Basic methods in educational research
    • Credits (ETC): 7,5
    • Language: English
    • Course structure: Face-to-face
  • Curriculum theory
    • Credits (ETC): 7,5
    • Language: English
    • Course structure: Face-to-face
  • Practise-based school research
    • Credits (ETC): 7,5
    • Language: English
    • Course structure: Face-to-face + Distance

University of Iceland – School of Education


University of Iceland, School of Education

For more information about the PhD courses at University of Iceland, please contact

Radical hope and social devastation

Doctoral seminar at the School of Education, University of Iceland

August 2024


The growing climate crisis, coupled with wars and political disfunction, has precipitated a global movement of peoples that promises to increase in the coming years. Climate refugees, political exiles, asylum-seekers, and others forced to migrate are moving into communities that are both welcoming and threatened by newcomers. Schools are becoming sites of conflict and possibility. Educators are often caught between the fears and distrust of settled members of the community, and the devastation and trauma newcomers bring into the classroom. These educators stand in need of concepts and ways of thinking that can bring hope to both groups.

This seminar will explore Jonathan Lear’s 2006 book, Radical Hope: Ethics in the Face of Cultural Devastation, suggesting that Lear’s work can offer us the hope we so desperately need in these charged and challenging times. By developing a sense of radical hope in the face of fears and traumas, we might avert the worst outcomes of forced migrations: fear, distrust, violence, cultural catastrophe. In fact, by developing a sense of radical hope in the face of the worst, we might be able to create new forms of human flourishing.


This is the hope of the seminar. We want to take a cleareyed look at the challenges confronting teachers, schools, and communities as the global movements of people continues apace so that we might foster ways of thinking that allow new hopes and new forms of community to replace suspicion, division, and despair.


The main teacher will be Professor Jeff Frank, at St. Lawrence University in Canton, New York.

Other teachers will be Professor Atli Harðarson and Professor Ólafur Páll Jónsson, at the School of Education, University of Iceland.


The seminar will be organized around reading Jonathan Lear’s book Radical Hope and dialogues about its ideas, premises, and message. Additional readings will be brought in along the way, but the main emphasis is on small group dialogue where each participant is expected to participate both by listening and contributing to the discussion.

            Students get 2 ECTS for participating in the seminar. They can also register for a 5 ECTS course where they hand in a paper on a topic of their choice related to the discussion during the seminar.

Target group

Doctoral students at the University of Iceland (School of Education and other schools).

Doctoral students at the University of Akureyri.

Doctoral students in the NorTED network.

Faculty at the School of Education and University of Akureyri are welcome to participate.

Time and location

August 12 to 15, 2024.

Location will be announced later but will be in the vicinity of Reykjavík.


Lear, Jonathan (2006). Radical Hope: Ethics in the Face of Cultural Devastation. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press.

Affective theories

  • Every other spring semester (not yet decided when this course will be taught next)
  • Credits (ETC): 5
  • Language: Icelandic/English
  • Course structure: Online/Face-to-face.
  • Course code: UMD071F

Children‘s perspectives and citizenship

  • First half of spring semester (not yet decided when this course will be taught next)
  • Credits (ETC): 5
  • Language: Icelandic/English
  • Course structure: Online/Face-to-face.
  • Course code: UMD067F

Historical analysis of discourse

  • Every other spring semester (next 2023)
  • Credits (ETC): 5
  • Language: Icelandic/English
  • Course structure: Online/Face-to-face.
  • Course code: UMD052F

Åbo Akademi University

For more information about courses at Åbo Akademi University, follow this link.

Contact person for doctoral courses at Åbo Akademi is Nina Bäckman,

The Arctic University of Norway (UiT)

Contact person for courses at UiT: Synnøve Thomassen Andersen,

Course at UiT in qualitative research and methodology for spring 2023:

UiT v/ILP har gleden av å tilby PhD-kurs i kvalitativ forskning. Eksterne søkere kan søke nå, og frem til 1. desember, 2022. Søknadslenke finner du her:
Innhold i kurset
Kurset gir kompetanse i å gjennomføre en kvalitativ, empirisk undersøkelse på doktorgradsnivå og tar opp ulike temaer knyttet til kvalitativ forskning og metodologi i samfunnsvitenskapene.
Gjennomføring av kurset
Emnet tilbys i to samlinger. Kurset er på norsk, men noen forelesninger og litteratur er på engelsk.
24.04-25.04.2023: Første samling gjennomføres fysisk, og består av to dager.
26.05.2023: Andre samling er hybrid (med mulighet for å delta digitalt). Hovedfokus på presentasjon og diskusjon av utkast til paper.

23 juni: Innlevering eksamen. Paper kan leveres på norsk og eventuelt andre skandinaviske språk, samt engelsk.
Forelesere og tematikker:
– Forskningsleder Thomas Bjørner fra Aalborg Universitet bidrar inn på første samling med fokus på validitet og reliabilitet i kvalitativ forskning med utgangspunkt i intervju og observasjoner, med særlig blikk på bruk og utvikling av protokoll, gjennomtenkt design, datainnsamling og data analyse.
– Professor Aslak Steinsbekk fra NTNU bidrar inn med perspektiver på vitenskapsteoretiske paradigmer innen forskning, inkludert epistemologi og ontologi, og konsekvenser av å ha forskjellige perspektiver
– Førsteamanuensis i pedagogikk Kristin Emilie W. Bjørndal bidrar inn med tematisk analyse, med vekt på «refleksiv tematisk analyse» i seks trinn etter Braun og Clark (2006; 2019). Tematisk analyse er en metode for å analysere kvalitative data som innebærer å søke på tvers av et datasett for å identifisere, analysere og rapportere gjentatte mønstre. Metoden er ikke bunden til et bestemt teoretisk rammeverk.
– Torjer A. Olsen er professor i urfolksstudier. Han vil i sin sesjon innlede gjennom metodologiske refleksjoner med utgangspunkt i urfolksforskning. Han vil utfordre til diskusjon om forskerens og forskningas rolle, tilknytning til samfunnet, og ansvarlighet.
– Emneansvarlig:
Emneansvarlig for kurset er førsteamanuensis i pedagogikk Siri Sollied Madsen. Håper å se dere til spennende kurs i Tromsø. Ta kontakt om det er noen spørsmål.
Mvh Siri Sollied Madsen,

Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL)

Contact person for courses at HVL: Stine Soltvedt Jakobsen,

For information on how to apply for PhD courses at HVL, see:

Non-Western Educational Philosophy and Policy

The Teaching Profession
• Spring 2023: week 22 (May 29-31)
• Credits (ETC): 5
• Language: Norwegian
• Course structure: Face-to-face
• Course responsible: Bodil Ravneberg and Kari Ludvigsen
• Link:
• Application deadline: 17.4.2023
• Apply here:

Rhetorics of Education
• Spring 2023, week 12
• Credits (ETC): 5
• Language: Norwegian
• Course structure: Face-to-face
• Course responsible: Tom Are Trippestad
• Link:
• Application deadline: 6.2.2023
• Apply here:

Multimodal Literacy and Aesthetic Engagement
• Fall 2024: week 38
• Credits (ETC): 5
• Language: English
• Course structure: Hybrid
• Course responsible: Zoltan Varga and Jena Habegger-Conti
• Link:
• Application deadline: 15.06.2024
• Apply here: