The NorTED resource people pool have all volunteered to support doctoral researchers by providing expert advice within their respective fields. The resource people are senior researchers, and below are examples of the support they offer:
- Lecturing in PhD courses and other events under the auspices of NorTED
- Being mentor for PhD candidates
- Being co-supervisor for PhD candidates (to be agreed between institutions)
- Opponent for defence and process seminars (midterm or final seminars)
- Contribute to supervisor competence development
- Contributing to the further development of NorTED
As a NorTED doctoral researcher you are to contact them.
Dalarna University
- Tarja Alatalo, Professor (Literacy development, Literacy instruction, Early childhood education, Didactics)
- Jorryt van Bommel, Professor (Early years mathematics, Problem Solving, Teachers’ professional development, Giftedness)
- Farhana Borg, Associate Professor (Early childhood education, Education for sustainability, Agency and child rights, Eco certification, Pedagogical approaches)
- Jörgen Dimenäs, Professor (Subject-specific didactic literacy in the natural sciences, Work-integrated teacher education, Action research, Ethnography, Variation theory, System theory)
- Katherina Dodou, Associate Professor (Literature education, L2 English, Classroom research, Teacher education, Policy)
- Maria Larsson, Assistant Professor (L1 reading instruction, Reading comprehension, Policy, Assessment and national testing, L1 didactics)
- Marie Nordmark, Assistant Professor (Literacy, L1, Multimodal learning, Ethnography, Classroom research)
- Gunn Nyberg, Associate Professor (Theory of knowledge, Practice-based research, Phenomenography, Teaching, Learning)
- Boglárka Straszer, Professor (Multilingualism, Mother tongue instruction, Second language, National minority languages, Translanguaging)
- Mats Tegmark, Associate Professor (L1 and L2 reading instruction, Teacher education, Theories of knowledge, Education, Literature)
- Åsa Wedin, Professor (Multilingualism, Second language, Literacy, Classroom research, Action research)
DPU Aarhus University
- Karen Bjerg, Associate Professor
- Kari Kragh Blume Dahl, Associate Professor
- Lotte Hedegaard-Sørensen, Associate professor
- Helle Plauborg, Associate professor
- Lars Qvortrup, Professor
- Jens Rasmussen, Professor
Umeå University
- Peter Bergström, Associate Professor
- Per-Olof Erixon, Professor
- Anna Larsson, Professor
- Ulf Lundström, Associate Professor
- Björn Norlin, Associate Professor
- Oleg Popov, Associate Professor
- Kirk Sullivan, Professor
- Kim Wickman, Associate Professor
University of Iceland
- Kristín Björnsdóttir, Professor (Disability studies, Inclusive education, Intersectionality, Inclusive research)
- Brynja E. Halldórsdóttir Gudjonsson, Associate Professor (Critical educational theories, Immigrant experiences in society, Language and policy)
- Helga Rut Guðmundsdóttir, Professor (Music education, Early childhood music education, Music, Music reading, Singing in early childhood)
- Atli Vilhelm Harðarson, Professor (Philosophy of education, Curriculum theory, Ethics of teaching, Character education)
- Ólafur Páll Jónsson, Professor (Philosophy of education, Democracy, Sustainable education, Inclusive education)
- Jón Ingvar Kjaran, Professor (Sexuality, Gender, Queer theory, Race, Migration)
- Guðrún Kristinsdóttir, Professor Emeritus (Qualitative research methodology, Children and society, Childhood studies, Critical gender studies, Violence against children and in intimate relationships)
- Jónína Vala Kristinsdóttir, Associate Professor (Mathematics education, Teacher Development, Communities of practice, Developmental Research, Self-Study of Teacher education practices, Action research, Lesson-study)
- Hanna Ragnarsdóttir, Professor (Multicultural education, Multicultural studies, Diversity, Immigrants, Immigrant children, Refugees)
- Annadís Greta Rúdólfsdóttir, Associate Professor (Qualitative research methods, Gender and youth, Gender and motherhood)
- Anna Kristín Sigurðardóttir, Professor (Physical learning environment, School improvement, Educational leadership, Professional learning comunity, Teaching quality)
University of South-Eastern Norway
- Heidi Biseth, Professor
- Eva Merete Bjerkholt, Associate Professor
- Tony Burner, Professor
- Marit Bøe, Associate professor
- Lars Frers, Professor
- Marte Sørebø Gulliksen, Professor
- Thomas Moser, Professor
- Heike Speitz, Professor
- Aslaug Veum, Associate Professor
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
- Catharina Christophersen, Professor
- Liv Torunn Grindheim, Associate Professor
- Lykke Harmony Guanio-Uluru, Postdoctoral Fellow
- David Gabriel Hebert, Professor
- Rune Herheim, Associate Professor
- Solvejg Jobst, Professor
- Aslaug Nyrnes, Professor
- Marit Rong, Professor
- Tiri Beate Bergesen Schei, Professor
- Ruth Ingrid Skoglund, Associate Professor
- Tom Are Trippestad, Professor
- Vigdis Vangsnes, Associate Professor
The Arctic University of Norway (UiT)
- Siri Sollied Madsen (Professional digital competence, early childhood education, teacher education, curriculum theory, mixed methods research)
- Gry Paulgård
- Trine Kvidal-Røvik